Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Moving on!

My son graduated from middle school on Friday. Weird feeling. I was elated of course, because he'd passed another milestone. But I was sad too, because a chapter in my life was closing. When Amanda had graduated from the same school, Ian was still there, so the place was still a part of my life--same teachers, same halls, same lockers. But now they've both moved on.

So I have two high schoolers now. However, they're at different schools. Here in NYC there is no such thing as a neighborhood school. You have to go through an arduous, painful, exhausting, and sometimes humiliating placement process to go to high school. The weird thing is, it usually works out well, and you get placed in a school that fits exactly who you are. Like in Amanda's case, she goes to a performing arts high school that will accommodate her audition and work schedules (when she gets work once in a while). For Ian, his new school is an international school where he can take his music lessons and learn several languages. He may get to travel too. Different kids, different interests, different schools.

But the same mom, with the same (sometimes selfish) agenda. Like right now, I'm wondering just what I can steal from Ian's new high school experience for my next novel. (LOL!)

Congrats to all the grads!



1 comment:

Jennifer Echols said...

I've thought about moving to NYC and wondered what kids go to what schools, so that's interesting to know. It sounds like he's going to have an awesome time!