Alas, I'm so new to the Ro Com family and already it's time to say goodbye. Well, it's been good while it lasted. And I'm still thrilled to be in the company of such amazingly funny, talented writers! My Ro Com isn't even out yet... Language of Love will be out this December as part of the "Love, Love, Love" title. It's my first stab at fiction, and I read many of the books by the wonderful authors here like Jenn Echols, Wendy Toliver, Niki Burham, and more, to learn about what makes a romantic comedy work. So I thank you all for setting the stage, teaching me through your writing, and welcoming me into the Ro Com family!
Even though I won't be blogging here anymore, please come by and visit my blog for teens, Smart Girls Know. I post there a few times a week about everything from writing contests and opportunities for teens to stuff going on in the world that is relevant to young women. You can also keep up with my other writing projects on my author website, friend me on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter (@DeborahReber).
Thanks for all of your support for this blog and the Romantic Comedies books, and I look forward to staying in touch!
XOXO Deborah Reber
Deborah, thanks so much for participating in the blog, and best of luck on your book release in December! It is beautiful.
Hi Deborah,
I am so excited for Language of Love to come out. The Love Love Love cover is simply ... lovely! LOL
Thanks for contributing to the blog and best wishes!
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