As a Jersey girl living abroad, being a part of this blog family has helped to soothe some isolation blues. There was always a spirit of fun and support here. This was no doubt a reflection of blogstress Jenn Echols who set the tone when she got this this party started years back. Merci mucho much for everything, Jenn! And while I’m making shout-outs… Thanks to everyone who made this blog a regular stop on your daily web browsing. Thanks also to those who have left comments and linked us to other sites. We so appreciate your enthusiasm for the Pulse Ro-Com series.
The good news is that the connections we’ve all made here will continue. Let’s meet up again at our various sites, blogs and social network hubs. You can find me on my blog, website, facebook and the S&S site. Let’s all pick up right where we left off, shall we?
From now on when I hear Bruce or Bon Jovi I will think of you, Jersey Girl.
:-) *throws up "the horns" hand sign*
Debbie, you are such a delight! I know we'll all be seeing a lot of your books and I hope to sometime meet you in person!
Aww, thanks, Wendy!
Debbie, thanks so much for your bright and sunny blog posts!
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